Most of us would be happy to save a little extra money this month.
(Raising kids certainly isn’t getting any cheaper!) 😆
So today I’m breaking down some simple steps to make it easier for you to start saving money today.
And to make it a little more fun, I turned these tips into a bingo board that you can download below. Can you get BINGO? Or better yet, cover your whole board?

Alright, time to break it down and take a closer look at each of these easy ways to save money:
1. Write down your “why”
What is motivating you to save a little extra money this month?
Be as specific as you can. What will you do with the extra money you plan to save? How will you feel after being successful with your finances this month?
2. Pack lunches
See how many lunches you can pack this month- for your kids, your spouse, and/or yourself. Can you go the entire month without grabbing takeout for lunch?
3. Wait 24 hours before making a purchase online
If you think of something that you want to buy, add it to your online cart, and then wait for at least 24 hours.
During that time, think about whether it’s something you actually want to spend your money on, or whether it was just an impulse purchase.
If you’re not convinced that you still need it, either delete it, or save it for later.
4. Make coffee at home
I know- coffee at Starbucks just seems to taste better than coffee from your own coffee maker at home. But try to resist the urge to grab a drink on the go, and save the cash instead.
5. Check your credit card statement
Pull up last month’s credit card statement and read over it.
Chances are good that you’ll find some way to save money: a fee that you shouldn’t have been charged for, or a subscription that you can cancel, for example.
6. Redeem your credit card points
If you have unused credit card points just sitting there, redeem them for cash, if possible, and put that money right back into your bank account.
7. Unsubscribe to sales emails
Avoid temptation wherever possible. If you’re tempted to spend when you hear about sales at your favorite stores, just unsubscribe to their emails, and unfollow then on social media.
Unfollow influencers that tempt you to spend money on the latest and greatest products.
Remember, you’ll save more by not buying at all then you ever will by shopping a sale.
8. Use your library
Check out books instead of buying them.
Cancel your streaming service and check out DVDs, or use your library’s steaming service instead.
Cancel audible and “check out” audiobooks from your library instead.
9. Sell something on Facebook Marketplace
Look around your house and find something that you no longer use to post on Facebook Marketplace.
It’s easy to do, and you might be surprised by how much you can earn by selling something that you don’t even use anymore.
10. Make a return
It can seem like a hassle to make returns, so something we just forget about it.
But if you’ve recently purchased something that broke right away, or wasn’t exactly what you wanted, take the time to make the return and get your money back.
11. Stick to a list at the grocery store
For me, this means placing my order online and doing a pickup. It’s much easier to resist impulse buys if I never walk into the store in the first place!
12. Talk to your spouse about your budget
Make sure you and your spouse are on the same page with your spending. It can be a difficult conversation at first, but it’s worth it to be able to support each other in your goals.
13. Use a gift card
Take some time to find any gift cards that you have lying around, organize them, and put them in your purse or your car.
That way, you’ll be able to remember that you have them and actually use them instead of your credit card.
14. Skip eating out for a week
Or the whole month if you think you can do it! Eating out usually costs more than cooking your own food, so staying home for dinner is an easy way to save those pennies.
15. Check your bank transactions
If you don’t usually do it, figure out how to view your bank transactions online. Take a few minutes to read over each transaction from the past month. You might be surprised by what you notice.
My husband was recently doing this, and noticed that we had accidentally been charged twice for our last grocery pickup! One phone call saved us a ton of money that we would have just paid unknowingly if he hadn’t checked.
16. Cancel one subscription
Think about all of the money that is automatically taken out of your bank account every month or year. Streaming services. Magazines. Computer programs for your kids.
Is there one- or more than one- that you can cancel in order to save some money?
17. Make a meal plan
Making meal plans is a great way to make it easier to cook at home and avoid eating out or ordering takeout.
I have a ton of tips for making meal planning insanely easy- you can check them out here!
18. Hunt for cash around your house
Do you have cash sitting around your house, in a drawer, a jar, or an old purse? Go on a hunt to find cash, and deposit it into your bank account.
19. Babysit or petsit
If you’re not able to do either of these, think about an easy way to earn a few extra dollars on the side. Little jobs can add up to big savings.
20. Swap books or toys with a friend
Instead of buying new, trade with a friend. Trust me- your kids will still be excited to have new-to-them toys and books, even if they aren’t brand new.
The same goes for baby gear and products- could you borrow from a friend instead of buying new?
21. Buy something secondhand
Check your local thrift store to see what kind of clothes they have for your kids- or yourself.
But you can also think beyond just clothes.
We have a secondhand sports equipment store in our area that made buying our kids’ expensive softball equipment much more affordable.
22. Join a “buy nothing” Facebook group
Do a quick search on Facebook to see if there is a buy nothing group in your area.
People regularly post items that they want to give away for free. It’s a great way to share what you no longer need, and pick up some new items that you might need without the price tag.
23. Declutter one space in your house
When you start decluttering your home, your perspective will start to shift. You’re much less likely to spend money on things you don’t need when you’ve spent a lot of time and effort decluttering things that you don’t need from your home.
It helps you to focus on what is really important and necessary in your home, and less likely to spend money on things that don’t matter.
24. Make a budget for next month
Budgets can be really helpful, because they give you permission to spend without guilt on the things that your family really needs.
It also is a little reminder to you to not spend money on things that you have not planned for in your budget.
Well, how’d you do? If you get BINGO, be sure to take a picture and tag me on whatever social media platform you use @theorganizedmomlife 🙂
Have fun!
If you loved 24 Easy Ways to Save Money, share it on Facebook or Pinterest!
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