AKA How we keep our kids from getting bored of their toys!

A toy rotation system just means keeping some toys in storage instead of having all the toys out all the time.
That way, when you get the old toys out of storage, they seem new and exciting to your kids, since they haven’t seen them in a while.
And creating a toy rotation system doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s how I do it:
1. Put away toy sets that your kids don’t play with anymore

If I notice that my kids haven’t played with something in a while, I put it away in storage.

2. Swap with a set of toys you have in storage
Here’s what our toy storage area looks like. It’s just a skinny cabinet with a few baskets and Tupperware containers in it.

I keep a different set of toys in each basket.

To rotate a set of toys, I just put away one set and get out a different one.

3. Put the “new” toys out to be played with

Finally, I put out the “new” toys where my kids can rediscover and play with them again!
4. Repeat however often you want!
This system is supposed to make life easier for you- not more complicated. So make it work for you, and switch those toys out however often you feel like it. 😉
I hope this run-down of our toy rotation system was helpful for you. Happy organizing, and happy playing!
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