Today I can’t wait to share with you my favorite secrets for making meal planning crazy easy.
And I’m a mom of 4 young kids, so you know these tips are manageable and super easy! If not, I would not be using them. 😄
Download the meal planning kit here
The button below will take you to a direct download of all my favorite meal planning pages and resources, including a page of 50+ easy dinner ideas.
You definitely want to grab these!

Note: If you want the recipe binder dividers, scroll down to the bottom to grab that free download as well. ☺️
Alright, let’s get to the tips!
1. Create lists of all your favorite meal ideas
Make a “dinner ideas” list with all your family’s favorite dinners.
This will become an incredibly valuable resource for you. It will transform meal planning from an exercise of coming up with meal ideas out of thin air, to simply choosing ideas from a list.

You can also make your life a million times easier by creating lists of favorite lunches, breakfasts, sides, and snacks.
And if that sounds too difficult, you can download my pre-filled lists above, and just make changes to customize the list for your own family.
It doesn’t get any easier than that!
P.S. You can also click on the picture below to download 1 pre-filled meal planner and grocery list that I created. 🙂

2. Find a place to keep new recipes
Designate one place to keep new recipes that you want to try.
I print new recipes out and put them in a notebook in my kitchen.
You might have a note on your phone with links on it to new recipes or ideas.
Whatever it is, always use the same method so that you don’t waste any time looking for recipes or new meal ideas.
3. Rely on the 3 Ss (and leftovers) for lunches
Snack lunches.
(Snack lunches are just a hodge-podge of whatever food and snacks you can find around your house. Trust me, kids love snack lunches.)
And of course, the trusty leftovers.
Within the 3 Ss there is tons of room for variety. There are so many different kinds of salads and sandwiches, for example.
This is what I give my family for lunch 90% of the time, and it makes planning lunches so easy.
4. Use a meal planning sheet
Once a week, grab a meal planning sheet, and simply fill in the blanks.
You can use your favorite meals list to pick out your meals. Don’t forget to grab any new recipes that you’ve found this week and want to try.
And as you write down each meal, add any foods to your attached grocery list so you know you’ll have all the ingredients you need to make it.
I even added a section for you to write down foods you need for breakfasts and snacks each week so you’ll be all set!

5. Cut your list in half
This in my favorite meal planning hack. After you pick up your groceries for the week, print off a new meal planner, and cut your old meal planner in half, throwing away the bottom half (the part with the shopping list you just finished using.)
Hang them both up on your fridge, with the half sheet on top.
Now you can see what meals you’re eating this week.
But you can also start to plan for next week, as inspiration strikes.
Every time you think of a meal idea, jot it down. Then when it comes time to meal plan, a lot of the work will already be done.
6. Enlist help
Next time you sit down to eat dinner with your family, ask everyone to give you one dinner idea for next week.
Write them down right away so you don’t forget them.
When I use this strategy, I end up with 5 out of the 7 dinners already planned for next week.
It’s so easy, and the best part is: you know at least one family member will love each of the meals when you make them. 🤣
7. Look at your calendar
Before you start meal planning for the week, glance at your calendar.
It might sound like an easy thing to do… because it is.
BUT it is essential to making a meal plan that you can stick to!
If you have sports after school one night, be sure to pick something from the slow cooker category. Or something that’s super easy, like leftovers or take out.
Never plan difficult meals for difficult days, or you will fail every time. Plan honestly for your schedule… and your plan will work!
Bonus: Organize a recipe binder using these dividers
If you’re feeling super inspired and want to create an organized recipe binder, I have just the thing to help. Check out the recipe binder dividers I created by clicking the button below.
(You can also see what my recipe binder looks like here.)
Happy meal planning!
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