This is the meal plan template that we use every week to plan meals for the week ahead.
We print a few lists at a time, and hang them on top of each other on the fridge.
Each list includes space for lunch, dinner, and sides for the week, along with an attached grocery shopping list.
Download the meal plan template
Want to grab this template for yourself? Just click on the button below:

More meal planning tips
I’ve created a lot of other helpful resources to make meal planning super easy. Check out some of them here:
Insanely easy meal planning tips

In this article, I share my top 7 tips for making meal planning insanely easy. You can also grab free downloads filled with easy breakfast, lunch, and dinner ideas.
Meal list with Walmart grocery pick-up list

Here you’ll find a pre-filled meal plan for one week, and a link to the Walmart grocery list that goes with it.
Organize your recipes in 3 easy steps

In this article, I’ll walk you through my system for keeping new and old recipes neat and organized.
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