Here’s how to organize your iPhone photos without losing your mind:
My phone was out of storage. I had WAY too many photos and videos that I never sort through, but the thought of going through them all was wildly overwhelming.
Which is how I came up with the photo cleanup challenge.
It’s a fun way to start sorting through and deleting old photos and videos, without feeling overwhelmed.
(Fun because you get to see what you were doing exactly 1 (or more) years ago today. Not overwhelming because you get to work through just one day at a time.)
Check out how the challenge works below, but first:
Download the photo cleanup challenge page

Tip: When you print, select “fit to paper” to make sure that nothing gets cut off.
How it works:
1. Print a copy of the photo cleanup challenge
Put it somewhere easy to see and easy to access. (Like on the fridge, or taped to the wall.)
2. Search for today’s (or yesterday’s) date in your photo app
For example, if today is September 5, type “September 5” into the search bar in your photos app.
3. Take a walk down memory lane
It’s fun to see what you were doing one, two, or even more years ago on this day.
(It’s like an even better version of Facebook Memories.)
4. Delete photos or videos you no longer want
Save the best and delete the rest. (Especially if you have multiple copies of similar photos.)
You’ll be surprised by how easy this is when you’re looking at photos that were taken a long time ago. The really good photos stand out, and you might wonder why you even saved the rest for so long.
5. Check off (or color in) the box for today’s date on your photo challenge page.
That way, you’ll be able to keep track of your progress. If you miss a day or two, you can easily go back and catch up. Or you can work ahead if you’re feeling especially motivated!
6. (Bonus) Get your photos off your phone and into a photo book!
My absolute favorite way to get my photos off my phone is with Chatbooks: a super affordable and kid-friendly photo book subscription service.
They make it easy to upload photos from your phone and create photo books that your kids will love. (I timed myself- it takes me less than 5 minutes a month!)
The monthly minis are our favorites. Check them out here!

Have fun, and happy photo decluttering!
P.S. If you like this page, help me spread the word by sharing with a friend, and following me on Instagram or Facebook:
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