Going to the beach with a baby or toddler is a lot of work. There are so many things to pack, carry, and keep track of. I certainly don’t take naps or read whole books on the beach the way I used to before I had kids.
But it is 100% worth it to see my little girls experiencing something so new and exciting for the first time! I love it all- the giggles, the splashes, and the sandy little toes.

And guess what? There is a way to make all the packing and organizing a little more manageable.
If you’re planning a trip to the beach with your baby or toddler, save yourself a little time and sanity by using my Beach Packing List- Baby and toddler version, below. This list is tried and true- we used it to pack for our last beach trip- and includes all the major essentials that you’ll need.
Click here to download the printable beach packing list for babies and toddlers now.

Also, make sure you check out my general travel packing lists for mom, baby and toddler. (These lists include everything you’ll need for any vacation- add on the beach essentials checklist and you’ll be all set!)
What’s on the beach packing list: Baby/toddler version:
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1. Beach towels
Of course! I usually include one per person because no one wants to share someone else’s wet towel.
2. Swimsuits / Cover ups
If you’re packing for a whole week at the beach, I would pack at least 2 swimsuits per person. That way you will always have a dry one to change into.
I love cute cover ups for me and rash guards for my baby and toddler. (These are basically swimsuits that are short or long-sleeved.) They cover up more of your baby which means more protection from the sun.
3. Sun hats
Sun hats are great for keeping little faces and ears shaded. Just look for one with an under-chin strap, because if your kids are anything like mine, they’ll constantly be trying to pull off their hats and throw them in the ocean.

4. Floaties
There are three different types of these that we love to use at the beach or pool. With all three of these, you definitely still have to watch/hold your kids while they’re in the water. But we like them because they give our daughters a little bit more confidence and independence. And it’s kind of fun to float!
- Swim vests (like this one) are great for toddlers, especially when they’re running around in or near the waves.
- Puddle Jumpers are great for toddlers, too, as long as you get one that fits really well.
- Inflatables like this one are my favorite for babies. They can float around with their feet in the water, and they’re shaded from the sun. We used this more in the pool than the ocean because our babies were always afraid of the waves, but on a calm day, this would work well in the ocean, too.
5. A change of clothes for baby
Babies tend to get rashes if you leave them in wet bathing suits for too long. If you’re planning on letting your baby nap in a shady spot on the beach, it’s a good idea to change them into dry clothes first.
6. Beach shoes
Every year I seem to forget that it is torture to walk on hot sand with bare feet. So if you expect your toddler to do any walking, make sure you’ve got some shoes for him or her, too. Water shoes are great because they can leave them on the whole time.
7. Swim diapers and wipes (with a plastic bag, for diaper changes)
Unless you have a house right on the water, you will probably need to do a diaper change in the sand. Have an extra swim diaper and some wipes ready, as well as a wet bag or plastic shopping bag for dirty diapers or wet clothes.

8. Sunscreen
Leave one bottle in your room and apply before you leave in the morning. Take another along to the beach and reapply as needed.
9. Insect repellant
This depends on where you like to vacation. I’ve never needed it, but I know that some beaches do have mosquitos or biting flies- so bring this along if you know you’re traveling to an area where you’ll need it.
10. Shade
You’ll want to bring something along that will create some shade and give your little ones a break from all that sunshine. Here’s the lowdown on our favorite options:
- Beach umbrellas: Easy to carry, easy to set up. They create a relatively small amount of shade. (Unless you get a humungous umbrella. Which you can.) Usually not a great option on a very windy day. However, I love umbrellas because the small ones are easy to pick up and take to wherever your toddler wants to play- even if it’s right by the water.
- Beach tents: These take up about the same amount of space as an umbrella when they’re all packed up, but usually give you a larger area of shade. They’ll take you some time to set up, and they’re not mobile, but they are pretty resistant to wind if you set them up well. (This usually involves filling bags with sand and burying them.) You can even get a beach tent with a little pool for your baby to splash in.

- We also have a huge canopy, which is pretty easy to set up (although you will need more than one person to do it), and gives you a huge, shady area to hang out. The downside is that, even folded up, it’s pretty big and very heavy to carry. Ours has wheels so you can pull it along, but you still have to carry it through the sand. Not that I know from experience, because my husband always ends of carrying it… but he says it’s very heavy! 🙂
11. Something to sit on
Just in case your baby/toddler gives you a little break and you get a chance to sit down. 😉 Here are the best beach-sitting options:
- A big blanket- Easy to pack, and your whole family can sit on it.
- Beach chairs- Chairs are really nice if you want to sit partially in the water with your baby on your lap. (My favorite way to enjoy the ocean!)
- They also make adorable toddler-sized beach chairs. Which are maybe a little unessential. But sooo cute!
12. Pacifier
If your baby uses a pacifier, make sure you bring it along to the beach. This was a lifesaver for us when Kate kept trying to eat the sand, the rocks, the bugs, the dead crabs…
13. Toys
I’m not a fan of tons of toys because I always lose them in the waves, and they take up way too much real estate in my beach bag. I’ve found that you really don’t need too much to build an awesome sand castle. Here’s what I usually bring:
- 2 buckets
- 2 shovels
- 2 other toys (sand mold, boat, sieve, kite, ball, etc.)
14. A way to carry all your stuff
A beach bag is a good idea. A beach wagon is a great idea! I just can’t fit everything into one beach bag. I’ve tried. The beach wagon is a game changer.
There are also beach carts, which I’ve never used, but they seem to achieve the same goal- transport all of your gear across the sand without killing yourself.

15. Snacks
Pack a little cooler with some snacks and drinks. My favorite beach snacks are:
- Grapes
- Goldfish crackers
- Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
- Apples or peaches
- Sun chips
- Applesauce
- Dried fruit
- Beef Jerky

16. Drinks
I make sure to bring along a cup or water bottle for each person. I’m a big fan of the Miracle 360 sippy cups. My toddler uses this one, and my baby uses this one.
Juice boxes aren’t a bad idea, either. Your goal on a hot, sunny day is to keep your kids hydrated, and some yummy juice (especially if your kids don’t usually get juice!) will definitely help you accomplish that goal.
Of course, if your baby is still nursing or drinking from a bottle, you’ll either need to bring a bottle, plan to nurse on the beach, or head back to your house or hotel every few hours or so.
If you’re nursing on the beach, I recommend using one of these as a nursing cover because it’s so lightweight your baby won’t get hot. It also dries really quickly and can be used as a changing pad in a pinch.
17. A small bag of your own essentials
Make sure you have a small bag with any of your own essentials in it. I always bring along:
- Sunglasses
- A hairbrush and hair ties
- Chapstick
- Hand sanitizer
- Phone
- Keys
- Some money
- A little first aid kit (Bandaids, Auro Dri ear drops, any essential medications)

18. Lotion with aloe vera
No need to bring this one to the beach. Just make sure it’s in your suitcase just in case you’re so busy chasing your kids around that you forget to reapply sunscreen, and find yourself a little more pink than intended the next day. 😉

So those are my suggestions. Did I forget anything? Be sure to let me know. And if you haven’t already, don’t forget to:
- Click here to download and print your Beach packing list for babies and toddlers.
- Click here to download and print your Travel packing lists for mom, baby and toddler.
Thanks for reading!
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Savannah says
I enjoyed your article & I myself love making lists before a trip! I noticed you mentioned the munchkin 360 cups, we tried these for a short time, then I did some research.. pediatricians and oral specialists recommend against them for the unnatural movement that it causes in babies when they’re trying to drink from them.. which can affect jaw/facial development, speech, etc. Just wanted to share what I learned when researching 🫶🏼🙏🏼
admin says
Oh wow, I’ve never heard that! Good to look into.