Woo hoo! The free 2021 printable calendar and weekly planner pages are now available. I can’t wait to send them to you so you can start getting super-organized. 😉
Weekly to-do list
Do you use my secret weapon for staying organized and getting stuff done? If not, I would definitely recommend printing a few of these out and giving it a try.

At the beginning of each week, (or even at the end of each day) I put some thought into my top priorities for the next day. I pick between 1 and 3 things that I would most like to finish, and try my best to make sure that those things get done.
The would like to do section is for me to write down everything else. Maybe I’ll get to it. Maybe I’ll spend nap time cuddling a sick baby. Both good options.

I also added a 10-minute project section. Some things sit on my to do list for weeks, even though they would only take me a few minutes if I could actually get down to it. Listing those things in a separate section makes it easy to knock them out quickly when I have just a few minutes of spare time. And then I get to check something off my list, which- let’s be honest- feels pretty good!
Printable calendar pages

These matching monthly calendar pages are perfect for planning out the big picture events that you have coming up this year.

How do I get these great organizing tools?
If you’re interested, just sign up in the box below, and I’ll send both these printables straight to your inbox, plus a yearly overview page.
When you sign up, you’ll also begin receiving my email newsletters, which means that you’ll automatically receive all my newest resources, including printables and organization tools, as soon as I create them. Nice!

Get the downloads here!
Enter your email address here to get the weekly to do list and the monthly calendar pages in your inbox now. Happy planning!
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