Whew! I can’t believe my second trimester is already over!
My due date is at the end of August, which means I’m about 28 weeks pregnant today, and officially in the third trimester. So I thought it was about time I shared a little update with you guys on how things have been going so far.
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The Bump
I’ve had a lot of fun taking pictures of my growing belly every 2 weeks. I think the photos are fun, and I also enjoy the snacks afterwards. 😉
(By the way, you click here to see even more great baby bump photo ideas!)

I’m planning to keep posting these little gems, so be sure to follow me on Instagram for even more bumpdates! 😉
How I’ve been feeling
I’ve been really lucky and have been feeling pretty great. My biggest complaints are heartburn (which I expected) and lower back pain- only on the right side, and only after I do something like cleaning the house, where I’m bending down and standing back up a lot. Which I take to mean that I should just clean the house less, haha!
What I’ve been loving
My heating pad
Nothing feels better when the lower back pain kicks in! I’ve been using this often.
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Zantac 360 Maximum Strength Tablets, 50… |
$15.13 |
Buy on Amazon |
Shout out to Zantac for helping me fight the good fight against heartburn!
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Zantac 360 Maximum Strength Tablets, 50… |
$15.13 |
Buy on Amazon |
Iron supplements
I have low iron this pregnancy (as with my other pregnancies before) and I can really tell the difference when I’ve been getting enough iron. I sleep better at night.
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Vitron-C Iron Supplement, Immunity… |
$13.19 |
Buy on Amazon |
Burt’s Bee’s Belly Butter
I used to use this stretch mark cream on my belly, which I loved, but it was a little pricy. Since I haven’t really had a problem with stretch marks in the past, I decided to try something different (aka less expensive) this time around. This one has been great so far!
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Burt’s Bees Pregnancy Essentials Gifts… |
$19.51 |
Buy on Amazon |
Maternity clothes
When I pulled out my bin of maternity clothes, I realized that many of the clothes I wore when I was pregnant with Emma or Kate were either a little bit outdated, or pretty worn out. (All that elastic…) Plus, I’ve never been really pregnant in the summer before, so I didn’t have a lot of great summer options. So I had to do a little research on the best places to buy maternity clothes. (See what I found out here!)
On Facebook Marketplace I found a whole lot of great clothes in my size (50 items for $50.) I also picked out a few summer outfits at a consignment sale a month or so ago. Between the two, I haven’t had to buy anything new, except. . .
A maternity swimsuit
I did realize that I was going to need a maternity swimsuit for the summer, and had no idea where to buy one. I really didn’t want to buy one online without trying it on first.

After asking my friends for recommendations, I found this one at a Motherhood Maternity outlet near me. I love it, and can’t wait for the beach!
Gender Reveals
Our gender reveal was definitely a highlight of the 2nd trimester. We had so much fun revealing that we are going to be having our first baby boy to both my family (with Krispy Kreme doughnuts) and to Kevin’s family (with confetti cannons.)

Since then, I have been buying a few cute baby boy outfits here and there when I see them. Turns out I’m a sucker for little boy shoes and anything with suspenders!

The Nursery
Update: See our finished nursery nook here!

We moved Kate out of the nursery a few weeks ago. She and Emma are now sharing a bedroom, which has been an adventure of its own.

Which means that the nursery is empty and ready for Baby Brother to arrive. Kate’s nursery was pink and grey, and it turned out to be really easy to remove the pink accents and turn it into a boy room.
So far I haven’t done too much to set up, but we won’t need too much. A friend already gave us a bunch of newborn diapers, and once the baby grows out of those, we’ll switch him to cloth diapers.

Emma and Kate already had their names the day we found out their genders, so it’s weird for me not to have a name picked out for Baby Boy yet!
Emma did say that we should name him “Sandwich,” so there’s that option.
Other than that, I’ll have to get back to you on this one.

Most of the bins/drawers in the nursery are still pretty empty. I went through our baby things, and pulled out all of our gender-neutral blankets and clothes. Then I bought a big bag of baby boy socks, and a few bibs and burp cloths since all of ours were pink.

These drawer organizers are my absolute favorite, by the way.

And, of course, I couldn’t resist buying some adorable new baby shoes!
Diaper bag
I’ve had my eye on this diaper bag for a while, and Kevin surprised me by buying it for me on Mother’s Day. With 3 kids, I figure it’s time for a backpack diaper bag because my hands are sure to always be full!
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HaloVa Diaper Bag Multi-Function… | Buy on Amazon |
I wanted this one because it’s not too feminine, which Kevin appreciates. It looks awesome, and I can’t wait to fill all those pockets with adorable baby things.
To do
Here’s what still needs to happen before Baby Brother can arrive this August:
Finish the nursery
We still have to move the crib mattress up, and finish a few more little details for the nursery.

One of my friends gave me a couple of huge bins filled with baby boy clothes to borrow. (Awesome, right?!) I’m excited to sort through all the clothes and put them away in the nursery.

I would also love to find a few pieces of decor to hang up. I love the idea of a baseball theme, so I think something like this would be really cute:
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Fprqlyze Take Me Out to The Ballgame… | $13.99 | Buy on Amazon |
My shopping wish list
Here’s what’s on my shopping/ wish list to buy before the baby is born:
A cosleeper
Emma and Kate both slept in a rock-n-play next to our bed until they were several months old. Well, those are gone, so I’ve been doing my research, and this is what I think I want to use with Baby Boy. It looks awesome!
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HALO Baby Flex BassiNest, Adjustable… | $79.00 | Buy on Amazon |
I’m holding out before buying a new one, though, to see if any gently-used options become available near me on Facebook Marketplace. They are expensive!
Postpartum supplies
I’lll be going down this list pretty soon and making sure that I’m stocked up on the essentials! I certainly don’t want to be running out to grab any of these items the day after the baby is born. 🙂
Diaper bag organizers
I do realize that I have a problem. I want to buy bags for my bags. But these are so cute that I think I might just have to go for it.
Thank you so much for following along!
If you’ve read this far, then thank you so much for all of your support! Blogging is one of my favorite things, and I would never be able to do it if it wasn’t for you and your faithful reading of my posts. I really appreciate you!

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