I don’t know about you, but I could find lots of things to worry about even before a global pandemic broke out.
Now it seems all too easy to slip into anxiety and fear when I start to think about the future. And God is the only one who can truly remove that anxiety and give me peace.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:6-7)

This set of printable Scripture cards is meant to help remind you of God’s goodness and faithfulness. These verses contain truth.
Note: These cards correspond with a prayer journal called Peace that Surpasses Understanding, which is also available as a free download. (Learn more here.)

Click here to download the printable prayer journal now.

How to use the Scripture cards
The cards will print 6 to a sheet of paper. I recommend printing on sturdy cardstock, and then using a paper cutter to cut them apart.

Each card contains a different verse about God’s peace, His faithfulness, or His ability to cast out fear. These are great verses to read and meditate on daily, or to commit to memory.

Once you’ve printed the cards out, here are some ideas of how to use them:
- Keep them with your Bible. Read through a few verses each time you do your daily devotions.
- Include a Scripture card with a note and mail it to a friend.
- Tape the cards around your house where you will see them, and read them throughout your day. Put one on the bathroom mirror, one on the kitchen counter, etc.
- Read a card or two with your family before every meal.

And if you prefer the version with lines for easier cutting, you can grab that here. 😉

I hope that these Scripture cards will help you to focus on God’s faithfulness during this time. Leave a comment and let me know what you think!
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Inna says
Hello Laura from Russia, MY name is Inna, I like your scripture cards about anxiety very much, and wanna print it for MY friends. But bad luck for me, cant get it. Errror each try from MY laptop or Phone. May be you can help me. It Will be such a blessing for me.
admin says
I’m so sorry they weren’t printing for you! Have you been having trouble printing anything else, or just this file?
Nisha Morton says
Thank you so much
Maria Aldaco says
Do you have these in spanish?
admin says
Unfortunately, I don’t. I’m sorry!
Noland says
Hi, I printed the and laminated them for my wife, since she is affected by the terrible situation in Myanmar. Thank you very much for your kind help. Blessings.
Btw: There are other verses that I would like to make cards, would share the editable file to make my owns? Your designs are very beautiful.
admin says
I’m so glad these were helpful for you! Unfortunately, I don’t have editable versions available right now, but maybe that’s something I’ll have to look into in the future.
Becky Smith says
Love these verse cards. I am a teacher at a Christian school and was wondering if it would be permissible to print these regularly for students who are struggling with this issue.
admin says
Sure. 🙂
Stacey says
Is there any way I could print mark 10:45 with your template?
admin says
I’ll have to add that one next time I redo these. 🙂