We’re having another baby!!!
And we couldn’t be more excited about it.

Here are a few more details about our exciting news: 😍
When are you due/how far along are you?
I’m due in October, which puts me in the second trimester right now. (Right around 21 weeks.)

Are you having a boy or a girl?
It seems crazy to me, but we actually got to find out the gender of this baby after our very first prenatal appointment.
(No more waiting for that 20 week scan when you’re of “advanced maternal age!” 😂)
We are having a BOY!!!
I will say that everyone was really pulling for a boy. We have 2 girls (Emma is 7 and Kate is 5) and 1 boy (Andrew- 2) in our family already. So everyone was kind of hoping for a little boy to make it even, and to be a little buddy for Andrew.
Plus, I grew up in a family with 2 boys and 2 girls, so I’m excited to continue the tradition!
(You can see our gender reveal video here.)
How did you tell the kids/your families?
After my first prenatal appointment, we hung the sonogram pictures up on the fridge and waited to see if the kids would notice. (Kate has been asking when we’re going to have another baby for a while now.)
Sure enough, about 2 minutes later, Emma and Kate we asking, “Mom, Dad, what’s this picture on the fridge?!”
They were super excited when we told them they were going to have a new baby brother or sister!
Andrew seems excited too, sort of. He’s only 2 so it’s hard to know how much he understands. He’ll figure it out pretty quickly come October, though- haha!
The girls made a scavenger hunt to tell Kevin’s parents, and they found the clues to spell out, “Andrew is going to be a big brother.”
For my parents, we filled a box with helium balloons that said Baby!, wrapped it up, and told them we had a present for them. They opened up the box in front of the whole family at Easter. So fun!
How do you do it all with 3 kids and another on the way?
I got a lot of questions like this when I shared our news over on Instagram. And I get it. 4 kids, 7 and under is going to be a lot! 😀
But the truth is- and I really can’t emphasize this enough- nobody, including me, is doing it all!
I’m super lucky to be staying at home with my kids and not working at this point in my life, so that does help. And even though we don’t have family super close by, they are extremely supportive when we do need help.
But- especially over the last few months- there have been a lot of days where my house was a mess, or my kids watched way too much TV, or we resorted to fast food because I was exhausted, or just not feeling well and couldn’t get up from the couch.
And I’m ok with that.
There are more important things in life than “doing it all.” Whatever that means. 😂
Will you keep us updated on all the nursery and baby details and organization?
Haha, ok, nobody really asked this! 🤣 But yes- yes I will be doing that!
Thanks so much for following along! You guys are amazing.

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