When you’re pregnant, it can feel like 40 weeks is a very long time to wait. So if you’ve already made it far enough to find out the gender of your baby (usually right around the halfway point!) why not celebrate with one of these fun, classy, gender reveal ideas?
Whether you want to pull off a huge party, or just celebrate with your family, here are few fun gender reveal ideas to try out:
1. Silly string

This idea is a great way to get everyone involved. And isn’t this picture adorable? I love the T-shirts!
2. Darts

This is another really fun way to involve everyone, and turn your gender reveal into a little game. 😉 Click on the source link to see how it turned out!
3. Confetti cannons

If you celebrate with confetti cannons, you can use just a few, or involve everyone at your reveal. Plus, you’re sure to end up with some great photos! (Click here to see the photos from our confetti cannon gender reveal!)
4. Confetti Box

This website gives you a good step-by-step guide to creating your own confetti/balloon box. Just pull the string and you’ll be showered with pink or blue decorations!
5. Baseball

This idea can be used for any sport. Just get a special breakable ball that is filled with colored chalk dust, and you can reveal the gender by hitting a baseball, or a golf ball, or by kicking a soccer ball… you get the idea.
6. Scratch Cards

Everyone can scratch off their cards at the same time for the big reveal, or mail these cards to your friends/family for a fun announcement.
7. Fortune Cookies

This is a fun twist on the classic fortune cookie. Instead of a fortune, you’ll find out the gender of your baby!
8. Donuts

Who wants a gender reveal cake when you can have a donut?! I mean, it’s a cake that you can eat for breakfast.
Update: We decided to use this idea to announce our baby’s gender to my family!
9. Paint Balloon

Fill a balloon with paint and think of a creative way to break it open! This couple employed their archery skills to reveal the gender of their baby girl.
10. Piñata

You can buy a real piñata, fill it with pink or blue confetti, and let your guests swing away at it, or find a special gender reveal piñata that has a pull-string for that perfect photo opp.
11. Gender reveal cake

Gender reveal cakes are classic for a reason. They’re fun, they’re delicious, and they can be really beautiful- like this one.
That’s it!
Which idea is your favorite? Let me know in the comments, and happy planning!

Save 10 Classy Gender Reveal Ideas to Pinterest:

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