Yup- I’m pregnant! I’m super excited to announce that another baby is on the way, due to arrive this August.

Snow day
Last week we had an unexpected mid-February snowstorm. Schools were closed, so we got to spend the morning playing with the girls outside in the snow, and warming up again with hot chocolate. I also managed to snap a few photos in order to share our big baby news:

Here are a few questions I’ve been getting lately. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, just leave it in the comments and I’ll add my answer.
How far along are you?
I’m about 14 weeks pregnant. My due date is at the end of August. BUT I have never had a baby early before, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up with a September baby. 😉
Are you going to find out if it’s a boy or a girl?
Yes! We are definitely planning to find out the gender as soon as we can! We’re too big of planners (and not patient enough!) to wait and be surprised.
Are the girls excited?
Emma and Kate are very excited. Kate walks around saying, “Baby coming! Baby coming!” and Emma will tell anyone who will listen that the baby is going to be a boy because, “We already have 3 girls, and only 1 boy in our family.”
How have you been feeling?
I have been feeling very blessed and grateful to be pregnant.
I’ve also been so sick!
There was a span of several weeks when I went to bed at 7:00 every night, right after I put the girls to bed- and I usually felt like I could barely even make it that long! Thankfully, most of the morning sickness seems to be wearing off by now. (more about morning sickness here)
I’ve also been posting baby bump pictures on Instagram, so if you’re not following me yet, please do! I’d love to have you follow along on this new journey with me. This is only the beginning. 😉

Megan says
Congrats!!!! So exciting! Can’t wait to follow along!