When we found out that we were expecting baby #3, we knew right away that we wanted to do a fun gender reveal with our family. I spent some time looking for ideas on the internet, and was delighted to find out that Krispy Kreme makes gender reveal doughnuts, with either blue or pink filling!
We thought it sounded like a fun twist on the classic gender reveal cake, and our daughters were both thrilled with the idea, so we went for it.
Ordering the doughnuts
Ordering the doughnuts was pretty simple. We just called our local Krispy Kreme store (click here to find out where there is one near you) and told them how many doughnuts we wanted, and when we could come pick them up. Oh, and we told them the color, of course! (We already knew the gender from our last sonogram, but were keeping it a secret from our families, including both of our daughters!)
Two important things to keep in mind if you want to do a Krispy Kreme doughnut reveal:
- The store might require 48 hours notice.
- You have to buy at least 2 dozen doughnuts
We actually just called the day before, and they were really nice and said it wasn’t a problem. The 2 dozen doughnut minimum just meant that we each got to eat two!

The next day, we picked up the doughnuts, and headed down the road to my parents’ house- about a 3 hour drive away- where we were planning to spend the weekend.
I couldn’t resist a little peek inside the box- mmm, they looked yummy!

We had a small scare when my 4 year old accidentally stepped on the box of doughnuts in the back of the van… haha! But no worries- the box was a bit smashed, but the doughnuts themselves were remarkably uninjured. Phew!

The Big Reveal
After arriving late at my parents’ house and heading right to bed, we woke up hungry and ready for some doughnuts. It was a beautiful day, so we headed outside.
I took some pictures before and after that first bite. Kate, my two year old, might have started eating hers a little early. I guess she was hungry. Oops! 🙂

The first bite…


We couldn’t be more thrilled to find out that we’re adding a healthy little baby boy to our family! The girls have been asking for a little brother for months, so they were all smiles when they found out. Kevin and I were pretty happy, too!

Kate was mostly happy that she got to eat an entire doughnut all by herself.

Overall, it was a really fun (and delicious!) way to reveal the gender of our newest baby. I would highly recommend it if you are looking for a yummy gender reveal idea!

Oh, and of course, we had to do a different gender reveal with Kevin’s family the next weekend…. we could’t just stop with the doughnuts. 😉 Click here to see how our confetti canons turned out!

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