I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old (along with a baby) at home with me right now. Today I decided to share with you what a day in our life looks like, and the planner page that I use to keep track of our daily schedule along with all of our activities.
Free printable planner
Before I start telling you how I plan our day, I wanted to share this free printable schedule and activity list with you. This is a great way to keep track of your daily schedule and different activities that you want to do throughout the week.
(You can also get a list that is pre-filled with activity ideas and links here.)

Click here to download your preschool activity list.
You can also enter your email address below, and I’ll send you my entire preschool-at-home planning pack.

These 5 pages include a blank and pre-filled preschool planning sheet, a year’s worth of preschool theme ideas, and my own activity list, complete with links to all of my favorite preschool activities and resources.
OK, back to it- our daily schedule with 2 preschoolers at home:
Our daily schedule
I’m about to share the general schedule that we follow each day.
I will say that I don’t pay too much attention to the clock during the day. I find that a general ordered list works better for me and my kids than a strict timeline. (We do the same things each day in about the same order, but the times may vary.)
And, of course, I’m a mom. Things come up all the time, and we don’t do everything on this list every day. (Let’s be honest- I’ve had days where we threw our whole schedule out the window.) But this is the basic schedule that has worked best for us on most days.
Here’s the short version. Then I’ll go through and tell you in more detail how each part of our day typically plays out.
- Morning routine
- Chores
- Andrew’s nap / Free play time
- Preschool
- Morning snack
- Activity # 1
- Lunch
- Quiet time
- Clean up
- Afternoon snack
- Activity # 2
- Dinner
- Family time
- Bedtime routine
A day in the life
Here’s a more detailed look at what a day at home with 2 preschoolers and a baby usually looks like:
Morning routine
The first thing we do each day is our morning routine. In no particular order, I try to make sure all these things happen:
- I take a shower and get dressed (bonus points if I can get any makeup on before the baby starts crying)
- All three kids get dressed
- We all eat breakfast
- I read the kids a Bible story and devotional while I drink my coffee
Next, I clean up breakfast while the girls do their chores. Their chores are not difficult. The idea is that they can do them without any help from me. For example, they might:
- Dust the windowsills in the living room
- Use a wipe to clean the baseboards in the dining room
- Water the plants
- Feed the cats
Put Andrew down for his morning nap (Free time for the girls)
Next it’s time to put the baby down for his morning nap. While I nurse him and put him down, the girls either play by themselves, or sometimes I’ll let them do Abcmouse. If I haven’t been able to squeeze in a shower for myself yet, I’ll take a shower right after I put Andrew down.
While Andrew is sleeping, I have a short preschool routine that I do with the girls: We have calendar time, sing a song, read a story, and do an activity that follows our weekly theme.
I actually wrote a whole blog post about what this preschool time looks like, which you can read here.
Morning Snack
Around this time, I set out a snack for all of us to munch on. (I wrote a list of my favorite snack ideas in this post.)
Activity #1
After Andrew gets up from his nap, we usually have about an hour left before lunch to do something. This is where the activity list comes in. We don’t do the same thing every day, but there are certain activities that I circle back to again and again. I have our activity list hanging on our fridge, and it’s easy to take a look and pick something to do. For example, we might:
- Take a walk
- Play in the backyard
- Do a science experiment
- Have art time
- Give everyone a bath
Next, I make lunch. (Usually leftovers or something super easy.)
Side note: If you need meal planning inspiration, I highly recommend signing up for my 5 day meal planning challenge. It’s 5 days of working hard to get your personal system organized… but once it’s done, meal planning will be so much easier! It’s definitely worth it.
After we eat, the girls entertain themselves while I clean up.
Quiet time
Before quiet time, we snuggle on the couch and read stories. The girls drink chocolate milk, and then they brush their teeth.
During quiet time, the girls play in their rooms by themselves. They usually play with their dolls and listen to books on CD or audiobooks.
I put Andrew down for his afternoon nap, then grab another cup of coffee and sit down to write a blog post. 😉
Clean up
Ugh. My least favorite time of the day. I “oversee” the cleaning of the girls’ rooms after quiet time. If you have any tips for me on how to get your kids to clean up without losing your mind… please share!
Afternoon snack
While the girls are straightening their rooms, I set out another snack- usually a fruit or veggie tray from the fridge.
Activity # 2
This is the time of day where there is a little bit of time to do another activity, so it’s back to the list! The type of activity I choose depends on how tired I am by now. 🙂
My husband or I will make dinner while the other hangs out with the kids. Then we eat together as a family, and attempt to clean up dinner faster than the kids can destroy the rest of the house- ha!
Family time
Usually there is a little bit of time left after cleaning up dinner and before the kids’ bedtime. During this time we do something together as a family. If I didn’t give baths yet, we do that. Otherwise, we might:
- FaceTime a family member
- Watch a movie while we fold laundry
- Play a game
- Make a dessert
Bedtime routine
Starting around 6:30 we put on pajamas, read stories on the couch, brush teeth, and then tuck everyone into their beds. One of my favorite things we do is “tell days.” I remind the kids of some of the things we did that day, and ask everyone what their favorite part was, and why.
Then the next day, we repeat!
Printable checklist
Don’t forget to print out your checklist and start creating an activity list that’s perfect for your own daily schedule. This idea list keeps me from getting too bored, because it’s easy to mix things up with something new while still being consistent with our basic routines.
And if you want to grab a copy of my personal activity list- complete with all of my favorite activities and links to my favorite resources- you can get that here.
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Preschool at home: Our daily routine
100+ Weekly Preschool Theme Ideas
50+ preschool activities to do at home
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