OK, so I might be a little bit obsessed with gender reveals. (Last week I shared all about our Krispy Kreme doughnut gender reveal.) But Kevin’s parents still didn’t know that we were having a BOY, which was reason enough for us to plan another gender reveal.
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This time, we had to go with the confetti poppers (AKA confetti cannons.) It was so fun! If you’re planning to do this, I’ll tell you everything that we learned from experience so that you can have an amazing reveal, too!
1. Plan for an outdoor reveal

Turns out, these poppers go really high! In fact, we were a little surprised by just how high they went, and glad that we opted to be outside.
2. Watch out for blue skies

We didn’t even think about it beforehand, but the blue confetti really blended in with the blue sky in our pictures. Not really a huge deal, but something to think about if you’re photographing the event.
3. Get at least one popper for every adult

You can see in this picture about how much confetti was in 4 poppers. It was actually a really good amount- more than I expected- but the more adults you have available to release poppers, the cooler the effect will be.

4. Warn any kids that it will be LOUD!
We didn’t give Emma (4) or Kate (2) their own poppers, because we were worried that they could go off in their faces, which turned out to be the right call. These things were really loud, and they went off with a ton of force, which was great. However, I wouldn’t recommend giving one to a small child. Kate needed her hands free to cover her ears. 🙂

5. Buy a few extras

We actually lucked out and the company accidentally sent us a double order. When we let them know, they sent a nice message back telling us just to enjoy the extras.

We ended up setting off a couple more after the initial reveal, just to let the girls play in the confetti as it fell. They loved it, and we got some really cute pictures of them playing.

6. Pick a biodegradable option

These were the confetti poppers that we used. The fact that they were full of biodegradable tissue paper made clean up a whole lot easier!

Note: For some reason, the poppers in the Amazon image look completely different than what we were sent. This is what they actually looked like when they arrived. But they were great quality, and I would definitely recommend this brand.
You can’t tell from the packaging whether they’re blue or pink on the inside, but they came with a stick-on tag confirming the color, which we pulled off before handing them out.
7. Have fun!

Congratulations, from our family to yours! Whether you’re having a boy or a girl, a new baby is always a reason to celebrate. Have a great time!

Some other posts I’ve written that I think you’ll love:
9 classy gender reveal photo ideas for Facebook or Instagram
Krispy Kreme Doughnut gender reveal
Pregnancy: The ultimate to-do guide & planner
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