This article is for those of you who have already created an Amazon baby registry, and are looking for some tips on how to take it to the next level.
If you haven’t started a baby registry yet, click here for some tips on how to choose a registry, and a step-by-step guide on how to get it all set up.

Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you choose to click through and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.
1. Include a personal welcome message
You can create a personal message that will appear at the top of your registry page anytime anyone looks at it. Use this as an opportunity to thank whoever is visiting your list, and to share pertinent information (like your nursery theme and your baby’s name/gender.)
Here is an example welcome message that you can tweak and use if you want to:
Welcome! Thank you so much for visiting our registry. A few details: We are having a little girl (Emma) and our nursery colors are gray and pink. We are so excited to meet baby Emma, and grateful that she is already so loved by all of you. Thank you again- we can’t wait to finally introduce her to you!
Note: You can see more sample welcome messages that I’ve written here.
If you want to add a personal welcome message to your registry, here’s how you can do it:
- Visit your registry (Hover over account and lists, then click on baby registry.) If you haven’t created a registry yet, see how here.
- On the left-hand side, click on registry settings.
- Click About your baby
- Find the box that says Add a greeting to friends and family at the top of your registry. Just type your greeting and save changes at the bottom of the screen.
Note: If you’re using the Amazon app on your phone, click on registry settings, then on the link for a little bit more about you.
2. Think outside of the baby department
I love having an Amazon baby registry because you can include any items that you’ll use with your new baby, even if they aren’t technically baby items.
For example, are you looking for a new rug or curtains for the baby’s room? I swear by these touch-activated lights for middle of the night feedings and diaper changes, but you won’t find them in the baby department. Feel free to add them to your registry anyway.
Here’s how to add any item to your registry:
- Type any item into the search bar. (For example, “diaper bag”)
- Click on a particular item, and look for the yellow button that says Add to cart. Underneath that button, you will now have another option: Add to baby registry. Just click on it.
3. Add items from other websites
Did you know that you can add non-Amazon items to your Amazon registry? So if there is something specific that you want to include from a different store or website (like– where you can find some really unique, handmade baby items), your friends and family will still be able to see it on your list. Awesome, right?
Here’s now to do it:
- Click here to add the Amazon Assistant Google Chrome extension.
- Click and follow the directions to install.
- Go to the website of the item you’d like to add to your registry.
- Click on the Amazon extension in your toolbar.
- Click add to list, make sure the product picture is showing, and then click add to baby registry.
4. Take advantage of the ratings and reviews
There is a ton of baby stuff out there! How will you ever choose which things to register for?
When you search for an item (like a stroller, for example) start by comparing the ratings on all the results that are coming up. You’ll see the number of stars each one received on average, along with the total number of reviews.
Then, click on a particular item and scroll to the bottom to read some of the reviews. This will give you more specific information about why customers gave that stroller the rating that they did.

Finally, if you’re still having trouble deciding, ask your friends who have already had babies. I’ve found that a simple post on Facebook asking for recommendations usually gets you lots of advice. 😉
5. Provide your address
Let’s say you’re having a baby shower. Your aunt, who lives 8 hours away, won’t be able to attend the shower, but she still wants to send you a gift. She could order a gift, wrap and package it herself, and go to the post office to have it mailed to you.
OR, if you provide your address to Amazon, she’ll be able to order a gift and have it mailed directly to you at the address you’ve provided. Much easier, right?
Here’s how to do it:
- Visit your registry (Hover over account and lists, then click on baby registry.)
- On the left-hand side, click on registry settings.
- Click About you
- Find the section that asks, Where should we send your gifts? and make sure you have an address listed.
- Click save changes when you are done.

Note: If you’re using the Amazon app on your phone, click on registry settings, then find Where should we send your gifts?
6. Take advantage of the completion discount
When your baby shower has come and gone, and you are nearing your due date, it’s time to take a look at your registry and purchase any necessary items that you still haven’t received.
And the great news is- Amazon will give you a discount (called a completion discount) for that one last order. Woo hoo!
Click here to read all of the super-official details, but here is the basic info about the completion discount:
- The discount is 10% (or 15% for Amazon Prime members)
- The discount is for “select remaining items on your registry.” (Not everything counts- you won’t get the discount for items you’ve added from other websites via the universal registry, for example.)
- You can use your discount on two different orders, starting 60 days before your due date, and ending 60 days after, for up to $2,000.
- When you’re within that 60 day window, a message will appear at the top of your registry page that you can click on in order to start a discounted order. (Or, on the Amazon app on your phone, click on Offers and Benefits.)
7. Add comments
When someone is looking at your registry, they will be able to see comments that you’ve written for specific items. This is a great way for you to give a little bit of explanation about those extra special items you’ve added.

In addition, you can mark items as must-have items, which is a great way to make sure that you have the basics covered- like diapers and wipes.
Here’s how you can do it: While viewing your registry, you can click edit (it’s called item settings on the app.) This will allow you to change the number requested, the category, mark as a must-have item, or write comments that will be visible to your family and friends.
8. Join Amazon Prime for even more registry perks
Are you an Amazon Prime member? If not, it might be worth joining now that you’re creating an Amazon baby registry, because Prime members who create registries get lots of great perks like a welcome box, discounts and deals, and a higher registry completion discount. Not to mention the free 2 day shipping, which becomes a whole lot more important when you have a baby and can’t get out to Target as often as you used to. 😉 And if you don’t want to buy a membership yourself, you can actually add a membership to your registry. Not a bad idea!
Well, those are all my tips for making your Amazon baby registry amazing. I hope you found them helpful. Do you have any great tips or tricks that I missed? I’d love to hear them in the comments.
Happy registering. 😉

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My sample Amazon baby registry
Sarah says
I have a question. Did your registry show the category headers for the other people vewing it also or just for you? Mine shows headers for me and on a computer but on a phone my friends and family just have to scroll through a jumbled mess. There are no category headers and it just shows everything in order of how it was added instead of with like items. I have cloth diaper covers scattered everywhere… I didn’t know if there was something I missed or what. Thanks
admin says
Hmm- good question. Amazon does automatically add each item to a category. You can then change the category (go to the registry, find the item, click edit, choose an option from the drop-down menu under category.) But I just looked at my registry on my phone, and it’s doing exactly what you described- putting everything in order added, and not categorizing it in any way. You have the option to sort by category on a computer, and I don’t see that option on my phone. I don’t remember that being a problem before. Maybe it’s a glitch on mobile that will go away in a few days? I’m not sure. That’s frustrating- I’m sorry.
Laura says
I noticed this as well and have been trying to find a way to correct it. All that time spent organizing all the items in categories and my friends and family only see a jumbled mess 🙁 I hope this gets corrected.
On another note, thank you for this article and tips. 🙂
Scott H says
I noticed the same problem. Amazon gift registries are only allowing gifters (people who are NOT the registry owner) to sort the items by “Price (low to high)”, “Price (high to low)” and “Recently Added”. Gifters should also be able to sort by “Category” like the in view given to registry owners. This is a major flaw in the view for the gifter and makes us less likely to use Amazon for our registry.
I suggest bringing this up with Amazon associates via their help chat and requesting the fix. The more people who ask for this fix, the more likely they’ll fix it.